Sarah Moeremans (1979, Bonheiden - Belgium) studied at the Kunsthumaniora Sint Lucas (visual arts, costume, fashion and textiles), Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Antwerp (acting) and the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (direction), where she finished her studies in 2005 with the production Roostattoo, based on a work of T. Williams and won the Ton Lutz Award for the most promising director in the Netherlands. Sarah participated in different film- and theatre projects as actress, director and/or designer, amongst others Victoria, het Huis van Bourgondië, de Warme Winkel, Frascati/DNA, het Toneelhuis, De Veenfabriek and the RO Theater. Since some years she lives in Rotterdam, and Works on a regular basis with Produciehuis Rotterdam. There she made Alleen in je wereld which opened december 2008, succesfully followed by a tour in 2009. In March 2011 we presented her new piece There are people dying…, very well received, with a set and costumes made by found objects.